
Ce au făcut românii în PGL Major Copenhagen 2024: EU Open Qual #3

Ce au făcut românii în PGL Major Copenhagen 2024: EU Open Qual #3

PGL CS2 Major Copenhaga 2024 marchează cel de-al patrulea Major PGL, fiind organizat de compania română PGL și totodată va fi primul Major Counter-Strike găzduit de Danemarca. PGL Major Copenhagen 2024: European Open Qualifier #3 a fost o calificare europeană online de Counter-Strike 2 organizată de către Challengermode. Aceasta a trimis cele mai bune patru echipe mai departe pentru Closed Qualifiers, organizații care urmează a fi împărțite în două subdiviziuni (Closed Qualifier A și Closed Qualifier B).

  • 🥇1st-4th -> Closed Qualifiers
  • Playoffs:
    • Single-Elimination bracket
    • All matches (excl. qualification matches) are Bo1
    • The qualification matches are Bo3

Balkan Bears 🇷🇴, Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴, U Cluj Esports 🇷🇴, Infinite Gaming 🇷🇴, HyperSpirit 🇷🇴, aimclub- 🇷🇴, Dynamo Eclot 🇨🇿, TSM 🇺🇸, Gucci Gaming Academy 🇪🇺, OG 🇩🇰 și Clоwnfiesta 🇪🇺 sunt cele 11 echipe cu români care au participat la această competiție. Cel de-al treilea open qualifier nu scapă nici el fără ca un conațional de-al nostru să meargă mai departe. OG 🇩🇰 reușesc să se califice în closed qualifiers, alături de Movistar KOI 🇪🇸 și de IKLA 🇺🇦. Totodată este de admirat în continuare evoluția și prestațiile organizațiilor precum Balkan Bears 🇷🇴, Dynamo Eclot 🇨🇿, HyperSpirit 🇷🇴, Gucci Gaming Academy 🇪🇺, Clоwnfiesta 🇪🇺, Infinite Gaming 🇷🇴 și Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴, care au ajuns în top 64, 32, respectiv 16. Acestea au fost line-up-urile si meciurile purtate de către români:

Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴

  • Cătălin-Ionuț ‘BTN’ Stănescu 🇷🇴
  • Cosmin ‘ragga’ Teodorescu 🇷🇴
  • Adrian ‘XELLOW’ Guță 🇷🇴
  • Alexandru ‘s0und’ Ștefan 🇷🇴
  • Ersin ‘ERSIN’ Chiriac 🇷🇴
Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴 vs ghoulsW 🇪🇺Round of 1024Mirage1310Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴
Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴 vs LVL Berlin 🇩🇪Round of 512Ancient131Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴
Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴 vs compromise 🇷🇺Round of 256Mirage131Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴
Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴 vs SHKUPi1337 🇲🇰Round of 128Mirage134Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴
Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴 vs JANO* 🇫🇮Round of 64Mirage1310Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴
Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴 vs Gucci Gaming Ac. 🇪🇺Round of 32Ancient137Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴
Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴 vs OG 🇩🇰Round of 16Ancient913OG 🇩🇰

U Cluj Esports 🇷🇴

  • ‘bitu-‘ 🇷🇴
  • ‘Yoghi =DD’ 🇷🇴
  • ‘luca39’ 🇷🇴
  • ‘aclr’ 🇷🇴
  • ‘Seni0rX’ 🇷🇴
U Cluj Esports 🇷🇴 vs G3T_R3kT 🇷🇺Round of 1024Mirage138U Cluj Esports 🇷🇴
U Cluj Esports 🇷🇴 vs Fan7astic 5 🇷🇺Round of 512Anubis135U Cluj Esports 🇷🇴
U Cluj Esports 🇷🇴 vs LumeN 🇺🇦Round of 256Mirage132U Cluj Esports 🇷🇴
U Cluj Esports 🇷🇴 vs EcstaticCS2 🇩🇰Round of 128Overpass513EcstaticCS2 🇩🇰

Infinite Gaming 🇷🇴

  • Gyorfy ‘starplajerz’ Gabriel 🇷🇴
  • Tudor ‘d1maje’ Aparaschivei 🇷🇴
  • Mihnea ‘mhN1’ Gheață 🇷🇴
  • Cătălin ‘H4rder’ Hardulea 🇷🇴
  • Olteanu ‘SAVAGE–’ Robert 🇷🇴
Infinite Gaming 🇷🇴 vs Veseli Leleky 🇺🇦Round of 1024130(FF)Infinite Gaming 🇷🇴
Infinite Gaming 🇷🇴 vs FunPlayers13 🇪🇺Round of 512Mirage131Infinite Gaming 🇷🇴
Infinite Gaming 🇷🇴 vs GROOVE STREEET 🇫🇷Round of 256Inferno137Infinite Gaming 🇷🇴
Infinite Gaming 🇷🇴 vs -runaway 🇷🇺Round of 128Mirage1916Infinite Gaming 🇷🇴
Infinite Gaming 🇷🇴 vs mixks 🇽🇰Round of 64Mirage1310Infinite Gaming 🇷🇴
Infinite Gaming 🇷🇴 vs showmakerz 🇸🇪Round of 32Mirage137Infinite Gaming 🇷🇴
Infinite Gaming 🇷🇴 vs Permitta eSports 🇨🇭Round of 16Anubis713Permitta eSports 🇨🇭

Balkan Bears 🇷🇴

  • Tudor ‘ShaDow’ Drimbei 🇷🇴
  • Filip ‘heaveN’ Norbert 🇷🇴
  • Radu ‘Romanu’ Alexandru Stănișoara 🇷🇴
  • Costin ‘jaxi’ Vrînceanu 🇷🇴
  • Tudor ‘dyla’ Pop 🇷🇴
Balkan Bears 🇷🇴 vs MIREA x Midnight 🇷🇺Round of 1024Anubis137Balkan Bears 🇷🇴
Balkan Bears 🇷🇴 vs CYBER D REBORN 🇷🇺Round of 512Mirage132Balkan Bears 🇷🇴
Balkan Bears 🇷🇴 vs Tier Esports 🇫🇮Round of 256Anubis131Balkan Bears 🇷🇴
Balkan Bears 🇷🇴 vs upcominggalimi 🇺🇦Round of 128Anubis1310Balkan Bears 🇷🇴
Balkan Bears 🇷🇴 vs Sprout CS2 🇩🇪Round of 64Anubis913Sprout CS2 🇩🇪

HyperSpirit 🇷🇴

  • Cătălin-George ‘swiiffter’ Florea 🇷🇴
  • Roberto ‘ADRON’ Păun 🇷🇴
  • Mihai-Cristian ‘kritik’ Ruse 🇷🇴
  • Gheorghiţă-Florin ‘GEOHYPE’ Solovăstru 🇷🇴
  • ‘awks’ 🇷🇴
HyperSpirit 🇷🇴 vs asd123123zaxc 🇦🇹Round of 1024Ancient138HyperSpirit 🇷🇴
HyperSpirit 🇷🇴 vs lllesscorner 🇺🇦Round of 512Ancient1311HyperSpirit 🇷🇴
HyperSpirit 🇷🇴 vs MASTЕR CLUB 🇷🇺Round of 256Anubis134HyperSpirit 🇷🇴
HyperSpirit 🇷🇴 vs JIEZ 🇷🇺Round of 128Anubis136HyperSpirit 🇷🇴
HyperSpirit 🇷🇴 vs TeamSpace 🇷🇺Round of 64Overpass1013TeamSpace 🇷🇺

aimclub- 🇷🇴

  • Lipoșteanu ‘waZz’ Andrei Corneliu 🇷🇴
  • Gabriel-Cosmin ‘zewts’ Letcanu 🇷🇴
  • Bogdan ‘CHANKY’ Șerban 🇷🇴
  • Eduard ‘Ed1m’ Nelÿ Ichim 🇷🇴
  • Valentin ‘SEMINTE’ Bodea 🇷🇴
aimclub- 🇷🇴 vs Salamanderii 🇷🇸Round of 1024Ancient136aimclub- 🇷🇴
aimclub- 🇷🇴 vs OG 🇩🇰Round of 512Mirage1416OG 🇩🇰

Dynamo Eclot 🇨🇿

  • Raul ‘Blytz’ Gligor 🇷🇴
  • Martin ‘Dytor’ Handl 🇨🇿
  • David ‘forsyy’ Bílý 🇨🇿
  • Vít ‘nbqq’ Pohlot 🇨🇿
  • Rasmus ‘kreaz’ Johansson 🇸🇪
Dynamo Eclot 🇨🇿 vs VÄRLDSKLASS 🇸🇪Round of 1024Overpass130Dynamo Eclot 🇨🇿
Dynamo Eclot 🇨🇿 vs ThunderFlash1 🇵🇱Round of 512Anubis137Dynamo Eclot 🇨🇿
Dynamo Eclot 🇨🇿 vs TSM 🇺🇸Round of 256Overpass1613Dynamo Eclot 🇨🇿
Dynamo Eclot 🇨🇿 vs Lazer Cats 🇺🇦Round of 128Mirage133Dynamo Eclot 🇨🇿
Dynamo Eclot 🇨🇿 vs Team Walkover 🇩🇰Round of 64Mirage1216Team Walkover 🇩🇰

Gucci Gaming Academy 🇪🇺

  • Daniel-Cătălin ‘Ciocardau’ Purice 🇷🇴
  • Ahmet ‘2high’ Baftijari 🇲🇰
  • Mārtiņš ‘shadiy’ Gūtmanis 🇱🇻
  • Caner ‘soulfly’ Kesici 🇹🇷
  • Jeremy ‘Kursy’ Gast 🇫🇷
Gucci Gaming Ac. 🇪🇺 vs MorgonBats 🇪🇺Round of 1024Mirage134Gucci Gaming Ac.
Gucci Gaming Ac. 🇪🇺 vs Sepen Grilli 🇫🇮Round of 1024Nuke130Gucci Gaming Ac.
Gucci Gaming Ac. 🇪🇺 vs freeJohannes<3 🇩🇪Round of 512Mirage130Gucci Gaming Ac.
Gucci Gaming Ac. 🇪🇺 vs AtomicVillains 🇷🇺Round of 512Overpass136Gucci Gaming Ac.
Gucci Gaming Ac. 🇪🇺 vs GHR Esports- 🇪🇺Round of 256Anubis1311Gucci Gaming Ac.
Gucci Gaming Ac. 🇪🇺 vs MASONIC Esport 🇩🇰Round of 128Ancient138Gucci Gaming Ac.
Gucci Gaming Ac. 🇪🇺 vs Epic Dudes 🙂 🇩🇪Round of 64Ancient139Gucci Gaming Ac.
Gucci Gaming Ac. 🇪🇺 vs Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴Round of 32Ancient713Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴

OG 🇩🇰

  • Iulian ‘regali’ Harjău 🇷🇴
  • Nils ‘k1to’ Gruhne 🇩🇪
  • Maciej ‘F1KU’ Miklas 🇵🇱
  • Bram ‘Nexius’ Campana 🇧🇪
  • Nikita ‘HeavyGod’ Martynenko 🇮🇱
OG 🇩🇰 vs H1GH-P1NG 🇷🇺Round of 1024Mirage130OG 🇩🇰
OG 🇩🇰 vs aimclub- 🇷🇴Round of 512Mirage1614OG 🇩🇰
OG 🇩🇰 vs NahkaRotat 🇫🇮Round of 256Ancient130OG 🇩🇰
OG 🇩🇰 vs lSO Esports 🇫🇮Round of 128Ancient135OG 🇩🇰
OG 🇩🇰 vs eternal premium 🇷🇺Round of 64Mirage130OG 🇩🇰
OG 🇩🇰 vs PassionUA 🇺🇦Round of 32Mirage1612OG 🇩🇰
OG 🇩🇰 vs Nexus Gaming 🇷🇴Round of 16Ancient139OG 🇩🇰
OG 🇩🇰 vs Anonymo Esports 🇵🇱
OG 🇩🇰 vs Anonymo Esports 🇵🇱
Quarter finalsVertigo
OG 🇩🇰
OG 🇩🇰
OG 🇩🇰 vs Permitta eSports 🇨🇭Semi finalsOverpass134OG 🇩🇰
OG 🇩🇰 vs ECSTATIC 🇩🇰Grand FinalOverpass713ECSTATIC 🇩🇰

Clownfiesta 🇪🇺

  • Răduț ‘7kick’ Dragoș Cristian 🇷🇴
  • Aitor ‘SOKER’ Fernández 🇪🇸
  • Shiran ‘shushan’ Shushan 🇮🇱
  • Georgi ‘WorldEdit’ Yaskin 🇷🇺
  • Roberts ‘Frip’ Poļakovs 🇱🇻
Clownfiesta 🇪🇺 vs -Nomatter 🇺🇦Round of 1024Anubis2218Clownfiesta 🇪🇺
Clownfiesta 🇪🇺 vs 0.5kg 🇱🇹Round of 512Overpass131Clownfiesta 🇪🇺
Clownfiesta 🇪🇺 vs V1dar Gaming 🇪🇺Round of 256Mirage138Clownfiesta 🇪🇺
Clownfiesta 🇪🇺 vs BRODA 🇫🇷Round of 128Overpass136Clownfiesta 🇪🇺
Clownfiesta 🇪🇺 vs TeamSecretCS2 🇪🇺Round of 64Mirage1310Clownfiesta 🇪🇺
Clownfiesta 🇪🇺 vs Permitta e-Sports 🇨🇭Round of 32Nuke013Permitta e-Sports 🇨🇭

TSM 🇺🇸

  • Mădălin-Andrei ‘MoDo’ Mirea 🇷🇴
  • Audric ‘⁠JACKZ’ Jug 🇫🇷
  • Valdemar ‘⁠valde⁠’ Bjørn Vangså 🇩🇰
  • Timofey ‘interz’ Yakushin 🇷🇺
  • Joel ‘joel’ Holmlund 🇸🇪
TSM 🇺🇸 vs Kallonmurskaajat 🇫🇮Round of 1024Inferno133TSM 🇺🇸
TSM 🇺🇸 vs EC ROSOMAHA 🇺🇦Round of 512Mirage135TSM 🇺🇸
TSM 🇺🇸 vs Dynamo Eclot 🇨🇿Round of 256Overpass1316Dynamo Eclot 🇨🇿

